Thursday, May 26, 2005


Who is VIP; Very important person.

One of the many things that we should remove from our culture is VIPism, we cant afford it and it is against Isalm too... In Islam thre is no VIP other then Allah and only He can decide who is VIP and gives him accordingly the VIPism that we practice in our country no other country can replicate that, we spend millions on one person's visit and all the money comes from working class, why not our maulvis stand against that why dont they call for strike against that, because they are part of it. They like it as much as our government officials like it, they want it the same way.Anyways there is so much to write but the point is we should find out basic problems and needs and fight for them rather then fighting for American lobbyism, Iraqi war and other, there is no use of fighting for something that bring no good to you, fight for something that can really bring some good to you and your fellows.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Blog Formatting

I did nothing but formatting of my blog i gone bad. Comments please