Monday, June 06, 2005

Who should manage Software Projects

I am with Software Industry of Pakistan for more than 5 years now. I have worked in 250 employee company which was firt ISO certified software company of Pakistan. I have worked with project managers who have more than 10 years of project management experience in different disciplines, I have learned one thing, we dont take software project as engineering project and rather as some work that needs to be done (I dont know what to say).

In my oponion software is an engineering descipline and software projects should be managed like we do it in engineering descipline, and successfull enginering project requires that the manager should know the technicalities of software, complexities and related stuff, not necessarily he/she has to be a computer science graduate but he should understand software and not just rely on his technical staff for technicalities, one of the major drawback of non technical PM is he/she does not listen to their technical staff and always think that these people are trying to be smart and he should use his head, but how come a non-technical person use his/her head in technical terms, not possible. As a conclusion there is a continuos rift between PM and the technical staff both trying to prove their abilities thinking other is trying to be smart, due to this most projects does not finish on time, go in lost, does not meet requirement and the list go on.

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