Friday, February 04, 2005

Career Counseling

I have been working in this industry for almost 5 years, I have met many people and almost all of them don't actually know what they wana be. Where will they stand after say 2 years. They are not even sure are they moving in the right direction, first and the only preference is money they get. Yes, money is something we cant live without, but is that the only thing we should care about. This is because of the reason that a child is taught from childhood that he has to study to get better job, earn more money live a life, have kids and the cycle goes on and on.

Here I feel need of career counseling or guidance to youth, we the experienced people should go into institutions spent a day or two with the graduating class, see what their interests are and guide them accordingly. An initiative has been taken by Ponder Alliance in karachi, but there is a need to take this thing from universities to more elementary level when the student actually decides where he/she should go for professional studies.

I hope the day will come when there will be people thinking about community same as they think themselves, and understand the need to guide new generations in the right direction.

People are working but they are very few.


Muhammad Salman Kasbati said...

Well, I agree with you :) There should be some entity doing this.

Have you ever considered yourself to start an entity of this sort? If yes, then when are you starting it? If no, then why?

MA said...

Yes, i agree with you. But dont you think that we lack planning as a nation in every aspect of life?

getting back to the point. Yes, i my self am unable to determine where to see myself in the industry in the future. Away with the wind i have blown from karachi to islamabad and what brought me here ? as you said, MONEY !!!!! hahahaha (ahem).

There was some TV program (on GEO) by the name of "Career Guide" or something like that. Havent seen that show in detail but they invite the market leaders in the respective fields which give the students a bit more than atleast what i knew.

Syed said...

yes there is a community, but I am not sure about the strenght of that community, I will have my first session of career counseling with that community, lest see what they have.

Anonymous said...

A good point, but I think if u really want to start this then start it over GOF as using that forum seniors can help juniors.